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Dateline 3/12/99

Gala Launch of 2000 Campaign in New York City!

On Tuesday, March 23rd, 1999, Neale Donald Walsch, best-selling author of "Conversations with God," Dr. John Hagelin, and Dr. Harold Bloomfield will host a gala kickoff for the 2000 Natural Law Party campaign in New York City.

EVERYONE IS URGED to join these three powerful speakers and emerging leaders of the new-millennium politics for this historic launch of what Dr. Hagelin calls "the most massive third-party effort in America's history."

Those who attend will have ample opportunity to meet and talk with Neale Donald Walsch, whose "Conversations with God: Books I, II and III" have sold over 3 million copies; with Dr. John Hagelin, the Natural Law Party presidential candidate; and with Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D., best-selling author of 17 books--in the beautiful, intimate setting of the Hollis Taggart Galleries.

The New York Times, HarperCollins Publishing (which is interested in pursuing a best-selling book on Higher States of Consciousness by Drs. Hagelin and Bloomfield), and other members of the New York press will be there, reporting and mingling with our guests.


The public and media response to our message of a new-millennium politics based on development of full human potential, on a sustainable economy and a sustainable future, on prevention-oriented government, and on other crucial, forward-looking principles has been unprecedented! Last week 500 scientists, scholars, educators, and community leaders of southern California packed the Salk Institute auditorium in San Diego, with an overflow audience connected by closed-circuit TV. Dr. Hagelin's talk, "The COSMOS WITHIN: Towards a New Science of Personal Growth and Social Governance," caused a thunderous response, even among scientists who were expert in brain and cognitive research but who were previously unfamiliar with higher states of human development.

The March 23rd launch of Campaign 2000 will begin with a gala, catered reception at the Hollis Taggart Galleries. It will feature inspiring knowledge, the latest news and strategies for 2000, and a powerful message from Neale Donald Walsch.
Following the reception, there will be an exclusive dinner for 12-20 people who would like to get to know Neale and the other hosts more intimately, and who would like to powerfully support the Natural Law Party.

All proceeds will be used to launch our ballot access drives in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Access to these ballots is pivotal to the success of all our candidates in these important states. Based on an unprecedented early response to our campaign, we are hoping to field as many as 2000 candidates in 2000!

The cost for the reception is $50. The cost for the private dinner with Neale Donald Walsch and Drs. Bloomfield and Hagelin is $500. YOUR SUPPORT IS ACUTELY NEEDED!

Launching these campaigns and ballot drives now is the only way to ensure that they can be done cost-effectively. If you are planning to support our 2000 Campaign, NOW IS THE TIME!

Call 800-332-0000, ext. 119, IMMEDIATELY to make your reservations forthese grand events. Bring as many friends as possible, including all those who could benefit from a lively, powerful, yet dignified introduction to the knowledge and principles of the Natural Law Party.

The events will be held at--

The Hollis Taggart Galleries
48 East 73rd Street (Madison & Park)
New York, NY

Reception: From 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Dinner: Beginning at 7:45 p.m.

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