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Genetic Engineering
Email Congress

Please Act Now!

Help us secure mandatory labeling of all genetically engineered foods, as well as protection of the “organic” label. Please print out this letter, make copies, fill them out, and send them to your senators and representatives today. Together, we can protect consumers' rights.

June 1999

Dear ____________________________,

I am writing to urge you:

1) to help secure the mandatory labeling of all genetically engineered foods and

2) to protect the integrity and purity of the "organic" food label.

Genetic engineering introduces new substances into foods we eat--including genes from viruses, bacteria, insects, and humans. Despite the FDA's assurances that these foods are safe, a growing number of scientists and physicians in the independent scientific community are voicing concerns over the possible health risks of genetically engineered foods. Current laws and policies do not require the food industry to label these foods, however. Without labeling, we consumers lose the freedom to choose what we eat and feed our families. Only foods labeled "organic" currently remain unquestionably free of genetically engineered organisms--but the USDA wants to introduce genetically engineered foods under the "organic" label on a case-by-case basis, effectively eliminating the purity of "organic".

I urge you:

1) to demand that the USDA uphold the recommendations of the National Organic Standards Board to keep "organic" pure--free of genetically engineered organisms--and

2) to help pass legislation and policies that will mandate clear and accurate labeling of all foods derived from, processed with, consisting of, or containing genetically engineered organisms before such foods are released into any commercial markets.

Sincerely, ______________________

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