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Dateline 1/31/2001

Newsletter Update!

In the last three days, more than 70 of you have contributed over $3,000 toward our newsletter mailing goal of $30,000. These funds represent a wonderful first step towards our goal of informing everyone about our successes in the 2000 election. To all who have participated, we send our deepest thanks.

If you have not yet contributed, we hope you'll be able to do so today. Any amount will help. We only need 3% of our email list (1,000 people) to contribute an average of $30 each so that we can send out this mailing. Just visit the NLP website at or call 800-332-0000, ext. 128, if you have questions.

Our newsletter mailings also raise significant funds for the NLP. Many, many people in our newsletter database do not have email and only contribute to the NLP in response to snail mailings. Your contribution toward this mailing will therefore support the Party in two ways--by getting out the NLP message to many more people and by increasing NLP contributions postelection.

Please join this special group of contributors and be in our top 3%! Thank you very much in advance for your generosity. More updates will follow soon.

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