Dateline 11/6/2000
Campaign News Updates
Tuesday, November 7, is Election Day, and we want ALL VOTERS to go to the polls. Please vote for the Hagelin/Goldhaber presidential ticket.
Also, please vote for your local Natural Law Party candidates (see http://www.natural-law.org/candidates/list.html ), your New York and Minnesota Independence Party candidates, and any other candidates endorsed by the Natural Law Party in your state. And please encourage your family and friends to do the same!
Please join us for a gala Election Night teleconference call on Tuesday, November 7, from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Eastern time--the best election coverage anywhere!
Hagelin/Goldhaber press secretary Bob Roth will host the call, which will feature up-to-the-minute election vote totals every half hour, interviews with John Hagelin and Nat Goldhaber at the top of each hour, and lively interviews and inspiring campaign stories from dozens of campaign leaders, candidates, and supporters across the country.To connect with the call:
Dial: 512-305-4608
Date: Tuesday, November 7
Time: 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Eastern
7:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight Central
6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Mountain
5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Pacific
We invite all of you who have been so instrumental in making this campaign a success--whether you are a supporter, donor, volunteer, or candidate--to join us for this culminating event.
For those living in or near Fairfield, Iowa: John Hagelin will join our gala election night celebration IN PERSON at The Raj, 1734 Jasmine (641-472-9580). Please join us for desserts, election coverage, and a great time for all!
We look forward to expressing our sincere thanks to everyone involved with the Hagelin/Goldhaber coalition campaign, including our Reform Party and Independence Party friends, as well as everyone else who has found their reason to vote in this historic campaign.Please join us on Tuesday evening!
o The Third Party Vice Presidential Debates with Nat Goldhaber are now available at http://archive.hagelin.org/soundbytes.htm , courtesy of C-SPAN (scroll down the "Video" column to "C-SPAN Broadcasts." If you missed the live national broadcast, be sure to check it out online!
o Thanks to the fast work of many supporters, the free 30-second Hagelin radio ad will air on about 50 stations nationwide between November 2 and 7. To hear the ad online, visit http://archive.hagelin.org/radioad/index.htm .
o Likewise, many of you have helped flood the public access TV airwaves with Hagelin/Goldhaber videotapes--at least 100 airings across the country. Please visit http://archive.hagelin.org/happening/publicaccess.htm for the schedule of remaining broadcasts.We deeply appreciate the efforts of all our supporters to get the Hagelin/Goldhaber message out to the public.
A new CD of the John Hagelin interview produced by David Lynch --and including Paul Fauerso's fabulous "Rock On Dr. John"--is now available at our online store at http://archive.hagelin.org/store.htm . If you order two T-shirts, you can get this new CD FOR FREE! Please order today!
The following press release was sent out Sunday night, November 5, to major media across the nation.
Former Nader's Raider lauds Hagelin's efforts to build a third-party coalitionJohn Hagelin received a ringing endorsement for his presidential candidacy today from Jeffrey Peters, co-founder of "We the People," a prominent national political reform organization promoting campaign finance, ballot access, and debate reforms.
"John Hagelin, like all great patriots, has put his ego aside and has placed the best interests of our country first," said Peters, who was one of the original Nader's Raiders in the 1970s. "John has demonstrated his ability to both build and participate in the creation of a new coalition of third parties and reform- minded voters. Unfortunately, this is something that Ralph Nader has consistently refused to do."
"We the People" organized the "Boston TV Party" on October 2, protesting the exclusion of third party presidential candidates from the nationally televised debates by throwing dozens of old television sets into the Boston harbor. The event garnered considerable national media coverage about the issue of third party access to the debates.
Hagelin is the presidential candidate of America's largest coalition of third party movements--the Natural Law Party, the Independence Party of New York, and Ross Perot's wing of the Reform Party.
"John Hagelin and I are committed to defeating the tyranny of the corporate-owned, two-party system through a winning independent coalition candidacy--ideally in 2000, or, if not, then certainly in 2004. We are not going to stop until we get the job done," Peters said.
Peters, who is also running as an independent candidate for president, is CEO of the U.S-Mexican Development Corp., a firm that has conducted over 100 business transactions between the two countries. Peters most recently completed an air pollution control contract for Mexico City on behalf of Environmental Systems Products.