Dateline 6/5/2000
John Hagelin Dominates California Reform Party Convention
Coalition Candidate Outdraws Buchanan, Wins Key Leadership Support
(June 4) Speaking to a packed hall of 400 Reform Party leaders, delegates, and supporters attending the party's California state convention, coalition presidential candidate John Hagelin yesterday predicted that he will easily outpoll Pat Buchanan in the Party's national primary in July--"if the process is open and fair."
The strong show of popular support for Hagelin--the candidate's supporters clearly outnumbered Buchanan's -- "sent a strong message to Reform Party state leadership who are seeking a viable alternative to Pat Buchanan," said Hagelin spokesman Bob Roth.
Hagelin, who is on target to qualify for the ballot in all 50 states, is seeking the presidential nomination of both the Reform and Natural Law parties.
"I have said from the beginning that my broad-based platform of comprehensive reforms enjoys much wider support among the American people than Buchanan's extreme right-wing rhetoric," Hagelin said. "Yesterday in Los Angeles, I had the opportunity to demonstrate that support to the Reform Party leadership and the national press. I am similarly confident that I can defeat Buchanan in the national primary."
Buchanan suffered several key defeats at the Convention, including a crucial credentials vote in a battle over delegate seating.