
Dateline 4/11/2000
Ballot Access Deadlines Approaching Fast
Are you aware that third parties and their candidates do not have automatic access to the ballot? Most Americans have no idea that for a new party to run a full slate of candidates, it must collect more than 5 million valid signatures--whereas the Republican and Democratic parties have never had to collect a single signature. That's why we need your help.
The Natural Law Party has already completed its signature drives in over half the states in the country. But many critical state deadlines are fast approaching. For John Hagelin to rise up as the only option to Bush and Gore, we must achieve our goal of ballot access in all 50 states. Your support is vital.
Here's How You Can Help.
- 1. Join a traveling team of signature gatherers--or create your own team! Take a week or two, or a month or two, and travel around the United States with friends. We pay $1.25 per signature for traveling teams, so you can easily earn $100, $200, or $300 a day--and as long as you get at least 70 signatures a day, we'll toss in free housing!
If you can travel, we need help right away in Texas, Oklahoma, and Illinois, where we must complete our signature drives before ballot access deadlines as early as May. If you can help in these states during the next few weeks, please call Dan Swanson immediately at 800-332-0000, ext. 120.
- Gather signatures locally. You can give invaluable support to the Natural Law Party by creating a team in your own area to gather signatures. In states with low signature requirements, two or three committed people could achieve ballot access in a week or two. We need local teams as well as traveling groups to accomplish the goal in all 50 states.
- If you can't collect signatures, then support our drives financially. Ballot access requirements in most states are a financial and logistical nightmare created by Republican and Democratic state legislatures to eliminate competition. And, as cited in last week's issue of Newsweek, 2 out of 3 Americans want a third party choice this year. This election can bring great transformation in America, but we need everyone's help to make it happen.
In addition to Texas, Oklahoma, and Illinois, we need to focus on the following states as soon as possible:
Connecticut |
District of Columbia |
Indiana |
Maine |
Georgia |
Iowa |
Massachusetts |
Kentucky |
Minnesota |
New Hampshire |
Tennessee |
North Dakota |
New Jersey |
Virginia |
South Dakota |
New York |
Wisconsin |
Pennsylvania |
Rhode Island |
Please Call Dan Swanson Today At 800-332-0000, Ext. 120, And Find Out How You Can Help. Thank you.
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