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Dateline 3/25/99


Dr. John Hagelin toured California and Hawaii from February 19 to 27 on behalf of his Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, delivering a profound new seminar that reveals the deepest structure of natural law and presents the applications of these findings to the individual and society.

On February 20 at the prestigious Salk Institute in San Diego, Dr. Hagelin, a Harvard-trained physicist who has conducted cutting-edge research at some of the world's leading physics laboratories, presented his talk "The Cosmos Within: Towards a New Science of Personal Growth and Social Governance." In this presentation, he drew upon recent advances in quantum physics and in the ancient Vedic science of consciousness to locate the universal structure of cosmic law within the human physiology and the structure of human consciousness. He showed how every human being is a living embodiment of natural law and carries within his or her mind and body the total organizing intelligence of the universe. And he explained how every individual life can become aligned with natural law--and consequently, how thought and action can become as effective and globally enriching as the functioning of nature.

Peter Salk, M.D., and Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D., gave the opening remarks at Dr. Hagelin's presentation. A standing-room-only crowd of more than 400 people packed the Salk Institute, overflowed the auditorium, and filled an adjoining lecture hall. The audience, which included scientists, scholars, educators, and community leaders from the San Diego area, gave Dr. Hagelin a standing ovation after his talk.

Dr. Hagelin then flew to Honolulu to give a similar seminar on February 23, followed by a luncheon for top political and social leaders in the state. He then flew to Kauai, where he gave another public lecture followed by a book signing at Border's Bookstore. He also held a series of meetings with the mayor, the city council, and the warden of the county jail to discuss the Natural Law Party's prevention-oriented approach to health, education, and crime. In addition, at the invitation of the warden, Dr. Hagelin spoke to nearly 100 inmates and their families, who were very excited to hear from a presidential candidate. As a result of these presentations, measures will be taken to introduce consciousness-based education to Kauai schools and to propose the application of the Party's field-tested approach to rehabilitation, which includes the Transcendental Meditation program, in the county jail.

Dr. Hagelin also appeared on television six times and aired a one-hour live radio show with Dr. Ann West, a well-respected and popular local media personality. Dr. West was so impressed by Dr. Hagelin's presentation--as was her call-in audience--that she is considering becoming a Party candidate.

"Dr. Hagelin gives his audiences something few speakers do: profound new knowledge of how to bring individual and national life into accord with natural law," said Judith Bareth Black, who flew to San Diego from her home in Santa Cruz for the Salk Institute talk. "The response from everyone at the Salk Institute to Dr. Hagelin's talk was overwhelmingly positive, and just shows the power and importance of what he is saying for people's lives and for our society."

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