June 20 Press Conference, National Press Club, Washington D.C.
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View John Hagelin's keynote speech about his forward-looking vision of America in the new millennium to 1,500 college students attending the "College Convention 2000" in Manchester, New Hampshire, on January 14, 2000 (20 minutes).
View the latest samples of John Hagelin's exciting television campaign ads promoting his prevention-oriented solutions to America's problems. Current selections include:
Solutions: A new vision of national administration for the 21st century (1 minute)
Education: Developing the full mental potential of America's students (1 minute)
Health Care: Creating a true health care system (not a disease care system) to prevent disease, improve health, and reduce costs (1 minute)
Hear John Hagelin Discuss His Strategies for Victory in 2000
Replay of a national conference call on February 16. Find out why John Hagelin is running for the presidential nomination of the Natural Law Party, Reform Party, and Green Party.
Dr. John Hagelin
Third-Party Coalition Candidate
Neale Donald Walsch
Best-selling author of "Conversations with God" and "Friendship with God"
Robert Roth
Campaign Manager of Hagelin 2000
Hear John Hagelin Discuss Food Safety
Replay of a telephone conference call to California supporters on February 10, 2000, about the genetic engineering of our food supply
Dr. John Hagelin
Third-Party Coalition Candidate
Ms. Laura Ticciati
Executive Director
Mothers for Natural Law of the Natural Law Party
